Rebecca Mobile Health Clinic
Caring for the growing needs of our community.
Information through different mass media in different ways, local announcement by the administration, some unwanted activity and hike of corona infection have created a huge panic amongst common people. The fact led to certain phobia where all private health practitioners closed their chambers or not willing to provide treatment or medical support. Private and Government hospitals both turned their attention to COVID patients only. Some departments of few hospitals closed while health workers identified infected to COVID. In some cases, few hospitals have also been declared closed. The scenario appeared as a big issue for the general patients especially aged who are considered more vulnerable to this virus infection. Thus, health service of the area especially Kolkata and Howrah city faced an acute problem. There was no option to access health service in Howrah city. Considering the scenario, Samaritan Help Mission has strengthened its community health services through its mobile health clinic. SHM mobile health care unit is covering Howrah urban and rural area both and providing free medical service and free medicine. So far 15000 people have been extended health services by this unit. Special care has been initiated towards the elderly couple with pressure, sugar and heart disease. Presently, 150 poor elderly people are under the care of the organization who are receiving required medicine free of cost.

Rebecca Mobile Clinic

Rebecca Mobile Clinic

Rebecca Mobile Clinic